Day 6
Fri-yay! This morning I woke up to the most beautiful sight - SNOW! I love snow and have been wanting some since the beginning of winter and we finally got some today. It wasn't much - but it was still a great start to my day.

AM Workout: None
2 eggs scrambled w/cheese
Brown Rice
Verde Salsa
6 Cashews
Deathwish Coffee w/sugar free cream & 1 truvia

Pot Roast Beef
1 large carrot (cooked)
1 small piece of potato
6 Cashews
Sugar Free Red Bull
Snack: 1/2 an Atkins chocolate chip granola protein bar
Pot Roast Beef
1 large carrot (cooked)
1 small piece of potato
6 cashews
Vodka & Redbull

Snack: 1/2 an Atkins Peanut Protein Bar
PM Workout:
150 Assisted Squats
150 Lying Leg Raises
100 Crunches
25 Bar Grip Squats

That's all for today - see you tomorrow!