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CRAWLorDIE 2 : grabbing the money!

Hello good friends!

As we move ever so close to starting the CRAWLorDIE Sequel adventure - we wanted to share some of the images on how we raised the money for the sequel ourselves. Below are some images of our - finance our own large budget movie by getting our hands greasy journey! Currently we are on our third home - once we finish that - we only have two more homes to do and we are a GO for the sequel!

Next week we will share in our blog post about the graphic novel and champion BADASS partner with that! We are bursting at the seams to are this info as well the artist and when the 100 page novel will be available! TANK RIDES BABY!

Lastly - next weekend we will be guests at the Tulsa Comic Expo - we will send out a short newsletter midweek sharing all the info - hope to see some of you at the EXPO!



...and more work!

...and even more work!

...still working!

...yup - more work!